dark horse 【賽馬】實力未明的馬;(競賽等的)預想不到的勁敵;“黑馬...
【賽馬】實力未明的馬;(競賽等的)預想不到的勁敵;“黑馬”。 “dark“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.暗,暗黑的;微暗的,陰沉的。 2.淺黑的, ...“horse“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. horses, 〔集合詞〕horse) ...“a dark horse“ 中文翻譯: 出乎意料的嬴家; 出其不意的獲勝者; 出人意料的獲勝者; 黑馬(意外得勝的馬), 實力難測的賽馬, 實力難測的競爭者, 出人意外的獲勝者; 黑馬, 實力難測的競爭者“dark”horse“ 中文翻譯: 黑馬”為什么是““a dark horse bobbing up“ 中文翻譯: 爆冷門“dark horse (astronomy)“ 中文翻譯: 黑星“dark horse candidate“ 中文翻譯: 黑馬候選人“dark horse comics“ 中文翻譯: 黑馬漫畫“an unexpected winner; dark horse“ 中文翻譯: 冷門“unknown elected nominee (dark horse)“ 中文翻譯: 黑馬“a (horse)“ 中文翻譯: 一匹“horse“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. horses, 〔集合詞〕horse) 1.馬〔尤指長大的公馬〕,馬科動物。 2.〔集合詞〕騎兵。 3.像馬的東西,有腳的架子(如衣架、手巾架等);腳搭;(體操用)木馬;〔口語〕(象棋中的)馬。 4.〔美俚〕(考試作弊用的)夾帶。 5.【礦物】夾塊,夾石;【地質學;地理學】夾層。 6.【航海】(卷帆時水手的)搭腳索,鐵桿。 7.〔美俚〕碎牛肉。 8.〔美俚〕一千美元。 9.〔美俚〕惡作劇。 10.馬力。 hold a horse執住馬嘴。 light horse輕騎兵。 A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. 〔諺語〕馬好色也正。 A good horse should be seldom spurred. 〔諺語〕好馬不宜多加鞭。 a long horse直跳木馬。 a side horse橫跳木馬。 Never swap [swop] horses while crossing the stream. 〔諺語〕行到河中別換馬。 When two ride on one horse , one must sit behind. 〔諺語〕兩人同騎一匹馬,總有一個坐后頭。 You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. 〔諺語〕你可帶馬到水邊,卻不能強迫它喝水。 a dark horse (賽馬中出現的)冷門馬;實力難測的競爭者;競爭中出人意料的獲勝者。 a horse of another [different] colour 完全另外一回事。 a horse of the same colour 那是一回事。 a horse on sb. 〔俚語〕針對某人的惡作劇。 ask a horse the question 要求馬賽跑時拼命。 back the wrong horse (賽馬時)下錯賭注;支持失敗的一方。 be on one's high horse 趾高氣揚。 change horse 換馬,換班子,調換主持人。 come off one's high horse 放下架子。 eat like a horse 吃得多。 flog a dead horse 1. 鞭打死馬,徒勞。 2. 企圖把已經討論過并已被擱置的舊事重提。 from the horse's mouth 〔美俚〕(消息等)來自可靠方面。 hitch horse (together) =put up one's horses together 〔古語〕同心協力;情投意合;結婚。 hold one's horse 〔俚語〕忍耐,鎮靜,不沖動。 horse and foot 騎兵和步兵,全軍;全力以赴地。 horse and horse 齊頭并進,并駕齊驅。 H- Guards 〔英國〕近衛騎兵隊。 iron horse 〔口語〕火車頭;自行車;【軍事】坦克。 (it is) enough to make a horse [cat] laugh 太可笑了。 lock [shut] the barn [stable door] after the horse is stolen 賊去關門。 look a gift horsein the mouth 對禮物挑剔。 mount [ride] the high horse 〔口語〕趾高氣揚,耀武揚威。 on horse of ten toes =on foot's horse 〔戲謔語〕騎兩腳馬,徒步。 outside of a horse 〔口語〕騎在馬上。 pay for a dead horse 為死馬花錢,花冤枉錢。 play horse 1. (兒童游戲)騎竹馬。 2. 〔美俚〕胡鬧。 play horse with sb. 1. 嘲笑某人,愚弄某人。 2. 無禮對待某人。 play horsewith sth. 〔美俚〕搞亂次序,造成混亂。 proud horse 〔詩〕矯健的馬,駿馬。 put the cart before the horse 本末倒置。 roll up horse and foot =roll up horse , foot and guns 使全軍覆沒。 spur a willing horse 鞭打好好干活的馬,給以不必要的刺激。 take horse 騎馬去;(母馬)交尾。 take the horse (母馬)受孕。 talk a horse's hind leg off = talk the hind leg off a horse 滔滔不絕地談。 talk horse 說大話,吹牛。 the flying [winged] horse 【希臘神話】(詩神繆斯所騎的)飛馬。 the war horse 戰馬;老兵,老手。 To horse!(命令)上馬! work for a dead horse 從事徒勞的工作。 work like a horse 苦干,實干。 vt. 1.給人[車]備馬;騎上(馬)。 2.〔古語〕使(某人)平躺放在木馬或人背上鞭撻;鞭撻。 3.〔口語〕猛推。 4.【航海】虐待。 5.〔美國〕嘲弄,愚弄。 vi. 1.騎馬。 2.〔美國〕作弄人,拿人開玩笑。 horse around 〔俚語〕起哄,胡鬧。 adj. 1.馬的。 2.馬拉的,騎[套]著馬的。 3.(同類中)大而粗硬的。 “horse is“ 中文翻譯: 霍斯群島“of the horse“ 中文翻譯: 馬的“on the horse“ 中文翻譯: 快一點“the horse“ 中文翻譯: 馬的故事; 這匹馬全身潤澤有光“at dark“ 中文翻譯: 天黑時“be in the dark“ 中文翻譯: 蒙在鼓里不知道; 蒙在鼓里,不知道“be in the dark as to“ 中文翻譯: 蒙在鼓里不知道; 完全不知道, 蒙在鼓里“by dark“ 中文翻譯: 到天黑“dark“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.暗,暗黑的;微暗的,陰沉的。 2.淺黑的,(皮膚)帶黑色的;深,濃(色)。 3.秘密的,隱秘的。 4.難解的;(句法等)含糊的。 5.陰郁的;希望暗淡的。 6.愚昧的,蒙昧無知的。 7.狠毒的,(計劃等)陰險的。 8.郁郁不樂的。 9.(戲院等)已熄燈關門的。 10.【語音】濁。 11.(咖啡)摻了少量牛奶[奶油]的。 look on the dark side of things 看事物的黑暗面,悲觀。 keep a thing dark 保守某事的秘密。 in a dark temper [humour] 不高興。 keep dark 隱瞞;隱藏。 n. 1.暗黑;暗處;暗色。 2.愚昧,無知。 3.隱晦,隱秘。 4.夜,傍晚。 5.〔美國〕陰影;濃(淡)。 at dark 黃昏時候。 in the dark 1. 在暗處。 2. 秘密,暗中(plot in the dark 暗中策劃)。 3. 不知(be in the dark about it 完全不知道那個。 leave one in the dark 不給某人知道)。 “in the dark“ 中文翻譯: 不了解,不知道; 不知道,蒙在鼓里; 后柱; 秘密的; 秘密地,不知,蒙在鼓里; 怕黑; 全然不知; 使保密; 我的熒光屏上的影象看不清楚; 一無所知,不了解情況; 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道); 在黑暗中;秘密地; 終究“into the dark“ 中文翻譯: 夜幕降臨“it is dark“ 中文翻譯: 天黑“the dark“ 中文翻譯: 黑暗; 陰靈
dark l |
So i just went round to the back of the yard to pumpship and begob hundred shillings to five while i was letting off my throwaway twenty to letting off my load gob says i to myself i knew he was uneasy in his two pints off of joe and one in slattery s off in his mind to get off the mark to hundred shillings is five quid and when they were in the dark horse pisser burke was telling me card party and letting on the child was sick gob , must have done about a gallon flabbyarse of a wife speaking down the tube she s better or she s ow 526于是,我繞到后院去撒尿。他媽的五先令贏回了一百,一邊排泄“丟掉” ,以二十博一,卸下重擔,一邊對自己說:我曉得他心里喬請的一品脫酒錢有了,在斯萊特里527喝的一品脫也有了,他心里不安,想轉移目標溜掉一百先令就是五鎊哩。精明鬼伯克告訴我,當他們在“黑馬”家賭紙牌的時候,他也假裝孩子生病啦嘿,準足足撤了約莫一加侖。 |
Smile is a professional phone equipment manufacturers and providers , with the telecommunications industry value chain powerful ability to integrate the resources to cope with the market changes and the rapid reaction capability ; smile at the edge of the rapid development of resources , the trade is also an amazing dark horse 西美通信科技有限公司是一家專業手機設備制造與提供商,具有通信行業價值鏈中強大的資源整合能力和應對市場變化的快速反應能力;西美在優勢的資源下迅速發展,是行業里又一匹突飛猛進的黑馬 |
The investigation of customer the satisfactions is quite important because we can know the customer ' s need and expection of product and the customer complains for our quality of product and service . the means is evaluating the quality of product and service by the model of mult - equation computation economy . the foton is a dark horse in the motor market of china 顧客滿意度調查是從顧客或社會需求的角度,采用多等式計量經濟學模型來科學評價企業經濟運行質量的一種新型調查方法,它對真實了解和把握顧客的需求和潛在的期望,了解顧客對產品質量和服務質量的客觀評價具有特殊的不可替代的作用。 |
Over nearly 20 years , the company survived the sharp competition and developed into one of the biggest massage appliance manufacturer in the country with a title “ the chief repetitive of the industry “ . to meet the market demands and diversify the business , the company invests nearly 10 million yuan in the sporting goods industry and gradually became a dark horse of the industry 自1985年創立至今,以誠信為本,服務用戶為己任,經過激烈的市場競爭洗禮,已發展成為全國最大的按摩器械生產企業之一,被譽為按摩器械行業首席代表新世紀,關注全民健康使shss運動器械應運而生,深為社會各界人士所喜愛和推崇,成為全國運動器械領域舉足輕重的成員。 |
Crespo remembered that argentina arrived at the previous world cup as favourites , only to be knocked out in the first round , while brazil started as dark horses and went on to win a fifth world title 據路透社10月4日報道,在2002年世界杯上,阿根廷隊也是當時的頭號奪冠熱門球隊,但結果卻在第一輪就被淘汰出局,巴西隊反而“趁亂”一路奪取了冠軍。 |
“ i think brazil will have to be considered favourites , but if you ' re looking for dark horses have a look at serbia and montenegro and the ivory coast for a place in the last eight “我認為巴西是眾所周知的熱門,但如果你要尋找黑馬,塞黑和科特迪瓦被看做在八強有最后的席位,我認為他們有很多優秀的球員,并且會取得好成績的。 ” |
After entry into wto , china will become a dark horse in world economy , and being new economy growing point , multinational company will play more and more important roles in chinese economy 加入wto后,我國無疑已成為世界經濟中的一匹黑馬,而跨國公司的發展作為我國新興經濟增長點,將扮演著越來越重要的角色。 |
Lin yi annulus , step chinese popular musical circle formally 1993 , become in those days an a dark horse , also be chinese popular musical circle 10 years since one of prominent delegate figures 林依輪, 1993年正式踏入中國流行歌壇,成為當年的一匹黑馬,也是中國流行歌壇十年以來杰出的代表人物之一。 |
The mask of zorro , with its complicated plot , romantic love , humorous dialogue and impressive sword fighting , was regarded as a dark horse in the film market of the united states 本片復雜的故事情節、浪漫的愛情,精彩、幽默的對白,加上令人眼花繚亂的劍術設計,被譽為美國電影市場的一匹黑馬。 |
New publishers bantam books and dark horse comics looked to capture the imaginations of star wars fans , and the phrase “ mandalorian “ was carefully used to build intrigue 新出版商矮腳雞書業和黑馬漫畫公司期望能激發星戰迷的想象,他們精雕細刻地運用術語“曼達洛”來吸引廣大讀者的興趣。 |
Novel leading character “ black beauty “ dark horse is a horse pretty good seed , from elite families living in character everyone and kind , and smart , like his great master 小說主人公“黑駿馬”是一匹漂亮的優種黑馬,從小生活在貴族人家,性格溫順、善良,而且聰明,主人非常喜歡他。 |
Andy : yes . but qatar also can wear their silver medals with immense pride , it is really a dark horse , it beat iran in a nail - biting battle in the other semi - final 安迪:是啊.但是卡塔爾隊員獲得銀牌,也非常自豪.這個隊真是一匹黑馬,它在半決賽中打敗了伊朗隊,這場比賽真是扣人心弦 |
“ i think bill might win the competition . “ “ yes , he ' s a bit of a dark horse , that one . did you know he ' s already beaten the favorite ? 意思跟中國的黑馬可能是一樣:不肯露出很多信息/不會露出自己的能力的的人。但是在英文里面,一定要等到證明那個人的能力的事情發生才可以說。 |
At present , a group of writers horn after the eighties are a dark horse in the literary world , cause people ' s extensive concern , become a hot topic that everybody discusses 摘要當前一群“ 80后”作家在文壇異軍突起,引起人們的廣泛關注,成為大家議論的一個熱點話題。 |
The tales of the jedi : dark lords of the sith and the sith war stories from dark horse were an epic , operatic tale set over 12 issues 黑馬漫畫《絕地傳說:西斯黑暗君主》 《絕地傳說:西斯戰爭》以12本的篇幅講述了一部歌劇風格的星際史詩。 |
The comics from dark horse comics have already told of epic engagements on jabiim , devastation on naboo , and tales of valor from individual jedi 來自黑馬漫畫的漫畫描述了在迦比的戰斗、納布的破壞和絕地武士們的英勇事跡。 |
Provide the latest and most all domestic and international financial information , the stock market dark horse , expert comments , the classic analysis 提供國內國際最新最全的財經信息,股市黑馬,專家點評,經典分析。 |
Although jack is thought to be the contestant most likely to win the gold medal , david and harry are among the dark horses for it 雖然杰克被認為是最有可能奪得金牌的選手,但戴維和哈里也是這次賽事中的黑馬。 |
But in the straight on the run home when all were in close order the dark horse throwaway drew level , reached , outstripped her 然而在快要到終點的直線跑道上, “丟掉” 258迫近拉平并超過了它。 |